Monday, 15 September 2014

Jute Bags - way to replace plastics in India (BYOB : Bring Your Own Bag )

Jute is the second most important plant fibre in the world after cotton. Its tensile strength makes it the perfect choice for all kinds of packaging requirements. With increasing environmental awareness over recent years, jute has experienced an amazing comeback. It is frequently chosen as a material for fashionable or practical bags by customers who think and act in ecological terms and wish to show their sense for sustainability. The fibre is biologically degradable and also easy to dye. We have already realized a wide range of customers’ specific ideas with jute – extending from the tiniest format imaginable to the big garden bag.


मौलवी साहब

पहले घर की दालान से शिव मंदिर दिखता था आहिस्ता आहिस्ता साल दर साल रंग बिरंगे पत्थरों ने घेर लिया मेरी आँख और शिव मंदिर के बिच के फासले क...